Chaplaincy is a recognized profession, deployed wherever people of all faiths and none need emotional and spiritual care during times of suffering and crisis. It is important for chaplains to recognize the interfaith aspect of their work with vulnerable individuals and to refrain from promoting their own religious beliefs. While SCA does not require its members to belong to a specific religious group or have an ecclesiastical endorsement, many chaplains find that their faith provides a deep sense of purpose and mission in their work.
Christian chaplains have for centuries been inspired by the life of Jesus Christ and by the lives of committed Christian men and women of the church whose faith has helped them practice the presence of God while ministering to their neighbors in need. In partnership with the Association of Certified Christian Chaplains (ACCC), SCA offers its Christian chaplain members the opportunity to interact with one another as part of SCA’s Christian Chaplain Division.
For Membership in ACCC

St. Teresa of Avila
If you are a committed Christian currently serving as a chaplain, or if you aspire to become a chaplain, read on to learn how the Spiritual Care Association can help you with the ongoing professional chaplaincy development and support you need.
About SCA
Matthew 25:40 NIV
Chaplains in American society run the gamut in terms of background and training. Many belong to specific religions or faith groups. Others are interfaith chaplains with no religious affiliation. Some are second career men and women with no seminary education. Others are volunteers, from various walks of life. There are humanist chaplains who believe in caring for their fellow human beings without a belief in God or a Higher Power. And, of course, other men and women from a broad range of religious backgrounds, who have come into chaplaincy through more traditional channels. Most have been trained by a variety of different organizations and are certified or credentialed in many different ways.
The Spiritual Care Association (SCA) was formed in 2016 to standardize the fragmented field of chaplaincy training by providing resources, education, and certification that are backed by evidence-based practice and indicators of quality care. Consulting with leaders in the field, we developed a set of Common Standards and Quality Indicators in spiritual care to ensure that the skills and performance of SCA-trained chaplains and spiritual caregivers can be measured objectively. To deliver all of this knowledge, we developed an online Learning Center, which has grown to become the most extensive and successful online chaplain education program in the world. To visit our Learning Center, click here.
At SCA, our commitment to every chaplain, no matter who you are, what you believe, or where you work, is that you will find a company of like-minded men and women engaged in the spiritual and emotional support of people who are suffering or in crisis and committed to excellence and growth in their chosen field.
Benefits of Membership
In partnership with the Association of Certified Christian Chaplains (ACCC), SCA offers its members the opportunity to interact with one another as part of SCA’s Christian Chaplain Division.
⦁ Connect with other Christian chaplains through joint membership in SCA and ACCC
⦁ Join a supportive professional community that welcomes new and seasoned chaplains
⦁ Expand your professional value by adding CPE or advanced training to your portfolio
⦁ Access current best practices in spiritual care for those of all faiths and no faith preference
⦁ Be notified of new research publications related to spiritual care in many arenas
⦁ Discounted price for online professional educational courses
⦁ Discounted registration for the annual Caring for the Human Spirit® Conference
⦁ Free electronic subscription to the Journal of HealthCare Chaplaincy
⦁ Free Spiritual Care Tip of the Day emailed to you
⦁ Membership directory and networking opportunities
⦁ Access to archived webinars and articles related to chaplaincy
⦁ Opportunities at the national level to publish an article in our Caring for the Human Spirit® or present a workshop at our annual conference
Complete CPE Requirements Online
CPE provides hands-on training in pastoral care, counseling, and spiritual support and helps chaplains develop the skills necessary for ministry in diverse and challenging environments. Through SCA and its partners, there are several options for chaplains to complete CPE in the online environment.
ICPT: SCA partners with the nationally accredited Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training (ICPT) to deliver a standardized evidence-based CPE program. For more information click here.
GACS: SCA’s affiliate CAPSTONE University partners with the Graduate Academy of CPE Supervision to provide 16-week CPE training courses via online and onsite clinical training. For more information click here.
Earn Advanced Degrees Online
Through SCA’s affiliate Capstone University, chaplains can enroll in a variety of online degree and certificate programs, including:
⦁ Masters Degrees: Chaplaincy, Spiritual Care, Spiritual Direction, Thanatology and Pastoral Ministry
⦁ Doctoral Degrees: Chaplaincy, Spiritual Care, Spiritual Direction, Thanatology and Clinical Pastoral Psychotherapy
⦁ Various diploma and certificate programs
For more information click here.
For Membership in ACCC
If you are seeking an opportunity for professional development and belonging in an organization for Christian chaplains, for you may apply for joint membership in the Association of Certified Christian Chaplains, a nationally recognized Board Certifying body of committed Christians, with members providing care in most of the fifty states. For more information about opportunities with ACCC click here.
Become a Member of SCA
To become a member of the Spiritual Care Association, click the button below. Membership is $95 annually and includes all the member benefits.